
What is facebook og meta tag in HTML ?

Facebook Open Graph (OG) meta tags are snippets of code embedded in the head section of your HTML page. They provide Facebook with specific information about your webpage, allowing it to display a preview of your content when someone shares your link on their Facebook feed. Hereand#39;s a breakdown: What they do:

  • Control how your webpage is displayed when shared on Facebook:andnbsp;This includes the title,andnbsp;description,andnbsp;image,andnbsp;and type of content.
  • Improve social media engagement:andnbsp;By providing accurate and enticing information,andnbsp;OG tags can encourage users to click through to your website.
  • Enhance SEO performance:andnbsp;OG tags can help search engines understand your content better,andnbsp;potentially improving your websiteand#39;s ranking.
Key OG meta tags:
  • og:title:andnbsp;Defines the title displayed when your page is shared.
  • og:description:andnbsp;Provides a brief summary of your page content.
  • og:image:andnbsp;Specifies the URL of the image displayed alongside your page.
  • og:type:andnbsp;Identifies your content type,andnbsp;such as website, article, or video.
  • og:url:andnbsp;Indicates the canonical URL of your page.
Additional tags:
  • og:site_name:andnbsp;Displays the name of your website.
  • og:locale:andnbsp;Specifies the language of your page content.
  • fb:app_id:andnbsp;Used for advanced features like Facebook analytics.
Benefits of using OG meta tags:
  • Increased click-through rates:andnbsp;Compelling previews can entice users to visit your website.
  • Enhanced brand awareness:andnbsp;Consistent branding across social media platforms strengthens your brand image.
  • Improved SEO performance:andnbsp;OG tags can help search engines understand your content better,andnbsp;potentially improving your websiteand#39;s ranking.